Property Sourcing

We specialise in sourcing high-income producing, property investments across the UK.

We have many years of experience in assembling bulk deals that has provided both small and large investors with access to heavily discounted investment opportunities.

Our experienced team has successfully guided many investors to financial freedom through offering bespoke property investment services. Catering for first time investors to those with portfolios worth over several million pounds, we offer a unique service by allowing individuals to purchase property that is pre-negotiated and completely off market. This allows for a hands-off investment from day one.

We have built strong relationships with the UK’s leading house builders, developers, banks and receivers to ensure we provide our investors with unrivalled opportunities.

Our unique service ensures that prospective investors are given a free one-to-one consultation with a member from our expert team, we’ll evaluate your investment objectives and present you with a careful selection of opportunities that are tailored to your given criteria.

Many of our clients request our services for the following reasons:

  • To grow their savings at a better rate than the banks can offer
  • To build a successful buy to let portfolio
  • To supplement their retirement income as pensions are unreliable
  • To earn additional income and improve quality of life
  • To secure their children’s financial future

Whatever the reason, our team at JMS Property Investments can help you achieve your property goals. Through many years of experience, we have learnt to see trends and spot potentials, whilst also avoiding any problems along the way. Our team are happy to share this knowledge with you so contact us today on 020 3397 1151

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